Friday, December 17, 2010

Marketing Frenzies Project

Hi Vincent!  Here is the link to your project. I'm so glad you're excited about it, and want to work on it over the holidays.

Have a great time with your family.

-Ms. Lewis.


  1. Hi Ms.Lewis I had a question about the launch column do you say the time of year?


  2. Hi Vincent,

    YES!! Please include the time of year for your launch. This is really important, because it's going to set up your product for success (i.e. selling lots of stuff to make lots of money).

    Think carefully about when you think your product will sell the most, and work backwards from there. For example, in class we talked about the Kinect launch at Nuit Blanche. We talked about how XBox figured they'd sell a lot of Kinects around Christmas, so the launch was well before people had started shopping for presents.

    Hope that helps!

    -Ms. Lewis.

  3. can you please look at the launch column and tell me if i answered the year thing cause i sort of forgot my initial question question please

  4. Hi Vincent,

    The time of year seems clear enough. It looks like your launch is going to be at Chrstimas. Read my comment above with the Kinect example. Your launch shouldn't be taking place when you think you're going to sell a lot of them. Remember--the goal of the launch is to get people excited about it. You are in a very competitive market, so you want people to start thinking about your product well before they start going out to do their Christmas shopping. Think of the launch like a seed: the earlier you plant it, the quicker the plant will grow.

    -Ms. Lewis.
